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Center of Infection Biology and Immunity


The ZIBI Students' Day brings together all ZIBI graduate students in a monthly seminar, and provides a platform to present and discuss their research projects.
A ZIBI Retreat is organised every two years.
The yearly Science-Ethics-Politics day is a tribute to the growing public and political interest in science.
And the yearly Good-Scientific-Practice symposium ensures integration of a baseline standard in research.

More workshops and seminars are organised by the different programs. Please refer to the list of seminars below and our News&Views via the ZIBI mailing list for monthly updates.

An abundance of BUA Workshops are funded by Berlin University Alliance institutions and therefore open and free of charge to all doctoral researchers of Freie Universität, Humboldt-Universität, Technische Universität, and Charité.
The BUA Graduade Studies Support Program shows an overview of workshops here. To register for an event, please use the respective booking platform.